TSFA Thanks Susan Piland AIFD CFD TMF as Presidency Nears Term
TSFA Thanks Susan Piland AIFD CFD TMF as Presidency Nears Term
During her tenure, President Piland participated on the committee of volunteers who secured and supported the transition of TSFA's executive leadership. She led the association through a comprehensive strategic planning exercise that will help guide the organization for years to come. Piland championed education and certification programs for high school students and floral design professionals alike, and she presided over the Texas Floral Forum in San Antonio.
“We are incredibly grateful for Susan’s leadership and grace,” said TSFA Executive Director Michelle Karns CAE. “Her positive energy, resilience, generosity and creativity have inspired me and future generations of floral professionals. We appreciate Susan’s dedication and wealth of innovative ideas, and we look forward to continued collaborations over the coming year.”
TSFA also extends its gratitude to the following board members whose term of office concludes on Aug. 31: Immediate Past President Cheryl Vaughan CFD PFCI TMFA, Retail Director Jimmy Burrage CFD TMF and Grower Director Pat Berry.
Established in 1914, the Texas State Florists’ Association (TSFA) is the premier organization representing floral industry professionals throughout the state and beyond. Through conferences, meetings, the Texas School of Floral Design, publications, and certification programs for high school students, teachers and designers, TSFA achieves its mission of cultivating member success and a strong floral community. Membership benefits include access to exclusive resources, publications and educational materials, as well as significant discounts on registrations for conferences and other events. With a commitment to floral professionals that spans more than a century, TSFA eagerly seeks innovative ways to advance the floral industry. Learn more at tsfa.org.
Additional Info
Media Contact : Michelle Karns
Source : mkarns@tsfa.org